Welcome to the Early Learning Matters Week 2024!

From 5 to 9 August, we invite you to join us for a week-long celebration of the incredible journey of early learning and its profound impact on children and communities. Early Learning Matters Week is more than just an event; it’s a nationwide movement that unites early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and community leaders from all corners of Australia.

Organised by Early Childhood Australia (ECA), Early Learning Matters Week aims to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of early learning in shaping the development and wellbeing of children. We seek to highlight the significant role that early learning plays in laying the foundation for future success and to emphasise the value of quality early childhood education and care. Additionally, Early Learning Matters Week aims to bring together early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and community leaders to celebrate and advocate for high-quality early learning, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration in promoting the well-being of children and communities. 

While we’re shining a spotlight on early learning for these five days, Early Learning Matters every single day of the year. Early learning environments provide fertile ground for nurturing this essential trait, empowering children to explore, experiment, and express themselves with assurance. Early learning not only equips children with foundational skills and knowledge but also instills in them the confidence to embrace learning, take risks, and navigate the world with a sense of assurance and optimism. 

As we prepare for Early Learning Matters Week 2024, we encourage you to take an active role in this inspiring movement. From 5 to 9 August, there are numerous ways to get involved and make a difference. Whether you’re hosting an event, participating in activities, or spreading the word in your community, your contributions are invaluable in raising awareness and advocating for early childhood education. Join us in celebrating the importance of early learning and be a part of creating positive change for our children and communities. 

Stay informed about Early Learning Matters Week